
What I offer

"Understanding that mother nature is the Master
and everything and everyone is connected
the Feng Shui is the perfect tool to bring back the balance and harmony to the spaces where we live by allowing the beauty that was always there to manifest."

Feng Shui Consultance for:



  • All kind of houses, flats, apartments and studios.
  • Renovations.
  • Advice before relocating.
  • Previous advice to rent or buy a new house.
  • Recommendations to prepare a house for sale.
  • Advice before buying land to build on.
  • Building projects and Interior Design.

Working together with arquitects and interior designers will allow to create a harmonious home and environment, balanced and completely adapted to the people living in it, covering not only their needs of space and design, but also their personal concerns, helping them improve aspects of their lives that they maybe where not even aware of in the first place.


Building projects and Interior Design

Working together with arquitects and interior designers will allow to create a harmonious home and environment, balanced and completely adapted to the people living in it, covering not only their needs of space and design, but also their personal concerns, helping them improve aspects of their lives that maybe they weren’t even aware of in the first place.


Estate Agencies

Everyone knows that homes are mostly bought with the heart and not with the head. What stands behind this are exactly the underlaying principles that are used in Classical Feng Shui to harmonize a space.

With the help of this powerful tool we can optimize houses to sell or buy.
These services include:

  • Analysis of properties on the market, to optimize their potential and decrease their weaknesses in order to improve the sale.
  • Optimizing houses for sale.
  • Choosing the right dates to publish a property.
  • Choosing a places to meet or sign contracts, etc.


  • Optimizing an already running business.
  • Advice for any interior refurbishment or garden access.
  • Previous advice for starting any business activity.
  • Advice on favorable dates to buy, make business transfers, business inaugurations, etc.

Garden projects and landscaping

Knowing how much the surrounding influences us and how our subtle connection with nature is always present, the landscaping and creation of beautiful environments respectfully adapted to the potential of the place, is going to create a harmony that is perceived by people and invites them to have a more joyful conscious connection with the areas, obtaining all the benefits and mitigating the qualities of the not so favorables ones.


International consulting (in person or remote online)

New technologies allow us to develop all our work remotely offering the same services that we offer face to face. Using any platform of video calls, we will have a personal contact that will offer you the same results.


Because of the variety of services offered and different needs of each client, an individual quote is previously made adapted to each project.

+34 607 438 633