
Lola Hinojosa

I was born in Málaga and today I live in Mallorca and Hamburg, Germany. After graduating at the University of Illes Balears as labour lawyer in 1992, I am working professionally in my own office since 1994. Since then beside of being a legal adviser for all kind of firms, I follow my lifelong passion, the study oriental philosophies and alternative therapies.

In 1999 I finished my studies as a Zen Shiatsu therapist in ‘The Instituto Internacional de Shiatsu de Barcelona’. Apart from Zen Shiatsu, Chinese medicine, macrobiotic studies, Chi Kung and other Oriental disciplines I also had my first contact with Feng Shui. Initiated in this art by Vicente San Juan Antón, who in that time was the president of the Spanish Association of Feng Shui.

This encounter, I must confess, had a special impact in my life. With his very deep understanding of human beings and his profound knowledge of buddhism and oriental metaphysics, he helped me to open my eyes to a fascinating world. The combination of oriental philosophies (integrating principles of harmony, balance and connection) with the western ideas of interior and landscape design, was touching something very deep in myself, finding in Feng Shui the perfect tool to support people to transform theirs lives.

My fascination led me to have my first experiences with Feng Shui very early on. At that time I started analyzing my friends homes to help them to find solutions to some of their issues and I could observe that remarkable changes occurred in their lives by following the principales of Feng Shui.

My wish to keep learning and developing as a person led me to go deeper into alternative therapies studying osteopathy, color therapy and Taoist Tai Chi amongst others. This then led me to go deeper into the fascinating world of Chinese metaphysics with the study of the I Ching.

My non-stop curiosity to understanding the universe and the complexity of human beings and the wish for dig deeper into oriental philosophy took me to the world of yoga and meditation in 2003, where after four years of intense study at the AEPY (Spanish Association of Yoga Teachers), I became a Hatha Yoga teacher.

After 27 years combining my work in business with the subtle world of the alternative therapies and oriental philosophies, life leads me to my beginnings, realizing that everything I have learned until now, brings me back to the passion that has accompanied me all these years, Feng Shui.

This is why I decided to deepen my Classical Feng Shui studies with Master Olga Garcia, disciple of Master Joseph Yu (Feng Shui Research Centre), who is one of the most recognized international Feng Shui Masters, actually living in Canada.

I acquired my title in 2018 from ‘The Feng Shui Research Centre’, and working since then professionally in this art with great enthusiasm, learning every day and proving with each project how this amazing ancestral knowledge is able to change the lives of people.


+34 607 438 633