
+34 607 438 633
Instagram @fengshui.lola

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Lola Hinojosa, proved to me to have a deep knowledge of the I Ching in witch she helped in certain moment, to relocate my live.

Of course I postulated for my brand new house a study from Lola with her brilliant new title in FENG SHUI.
Relocating furniture, changing colors of tapestry, choosing where to sleep better, the best choice for paintings, and even giving me advises about where shall I sit and where not, where to work for having a better economic performance.
In resume the full organization chart of a harmonized live with the environment. Each year Lola make the anual changes that are manifesting every New Chinese year in a file, where she give me coherent advises and the most importan changes that can happen that year.
She, with her wise handling of the Feng Shui, helped me a lot to balance my surroundings, to be aware of the powerful energy that emanate from our houses and how to be a friend of those that help me for being successful in all my aims.

Sincerely grateful
SILVIA GLANZ, Mallorca, Spain

Feng Shui

Sincerely grateful
SILVIA GLANZ, Mallorca, Spain

Of course I postulated for my brand new house a study from Lola with her brilliant new title in FENG SHUI. Relocating furniture, changing colors of tapestry, choosing where to sleep better, the best choice for paintings, and even giving me advises about where shall I sit and where not, where to work for having a better economic performance. In resume the full organization chart of a harmonized live with the environment. Each year Lola make the anual changes that are manifesting every New Chinese year in a file, where she give me coherent advises and the most importan changes that can happen that year. She, with her wise handling of the Feng Shui, helped me a lot to balance my surroundings, to be aware of the powerful energy that emanate from our houses and how to be a friend of those that help me for being successful in all my aims.

Our approach to Feng Shui has being across Lola. She was recommended from another friend, and she has become a special part of our work.

With an exceptional relationship and very personalized she made us to discover another concept of Feng Shui.
Following her indications our showroom is perceived in a total diferente way. Our clients always stand out the feeling of wellness and quietness that is perceived inside our showroom. Even the working atmosphere was restored, being more effective, knowing strategic areas were to celebrate our meetings and even where to close our business agreements.
Definitively we recommend this to those who want to improve the quality of their lives.
Thank you Lola for all your help and support!

Ana María Moyá
Gerencia - Mármoles Moyá

Feng Shui

Ana María Moyá
Gerencia - Mármoles Moyá

With an exceptional relationship and very personalized she made us to discover another concept of Feng Shui.
Following her indications our showroom is perceived in a total diferente way. Our clients always stand out the feeling of wellness and quietness that is perceived inside our showroom. Even the working atmosphere was restored, being more effective, knowing strategic areas were to celebrate our meetings and even where to close our business agreements. Definitively we recommend this to those who want to improve the quality of their lives. Thank you Lola for all your help and support!

Lola has introduced us into the Feng Shui world, not so well known from us till that date.

With her project in our flat she introduced us in many qualities of our home unknown for us and with her recommendations, that in our case were small changes like: changes of color, changing locations of furniture, introducing ornaments…. We achieve harmonize our home and make it more cozy (even our girls sleep better and more pleasant).
Thank you very much Lola, the experience has being very positive, we recommend your work to everyone that wants to enjoy a more favorable and beneficial home!!

Fran Sobrino

Feng Shui

Fran Sobrino

With her project in our flat she introduced us in many qualities of our home unknown for us and with her recommendations, that in our case were small changes like: changes of color, changing locations of furniture, introducing ornaments…. We achieve harmonize our home and make it more cozy (even our girls sleep better and more pleasant). Thank you very much Lola, the experience has being very positive, we recommend your work to everyone that wants to enjoy a more favorable and beneficial home!!

Lola introduced me to Feng Shui and made me truly appreciate it.

When before I met her I thought of an esoteric half-science I can feel today in my own body what profound positive effect this nearly mathematic approach has to my life. We not only had our flat reorganized according to the FengShui but also rebuild our firm following her consultations.
After a few months I can say that the renovations and changes where absolutely worth it. Physically I feel much better and business is restarting in a very promising way. I am very thankful for Lola`s big effort and can highly recommend to everyone to use her talents and her implementation strength. It will be for your good...

Detlev Siebold
CEO Siebold Messebau, Hamburg

Feng Shui

Detlev Siebold
CEO Siebold Messebau, Hamburg

When before I met her I thought of an esoteric half-science I can feel today in my own body what profound positive effect this nearly mathematic approach has to my life. We not only had our flat reorganized according to the FengShui but also rebuild our firm following her consultations. After a few months I can say that the renovations and changes where absolutely worth it. Physically I feel much better and business is restarting in a very promising way. I am very thankful for Lola`s big effort and can highly recommend to everyone to use her talents and her implementation strength. It will be for your good...
Feng Shui

+34 607 438 633